Wuyishan Moutain

Wuyi Mountain, 15 km south from Chong'an County in Fujian Province, is listed together with Tai Moutain, Huangshan Mountain, Emei and Leshan Mountain by UNESCO as the word's natural and cultural heritages. Wuyi Mountain, with area of 70 square kilometers, is also praised as number one scenic wonder in South China.

Naturally, Wuyi Mountain is a ideal habitat of plants and animals because it has a pleasant climate with plentyful rainfall and moderate temperatures. It has several fames such as Paradise of Animals, Kindom of Snakes, World of Insects, Garden of plants. Moreover, Wuyi Mountain is noted for steep rock cliffs, surprising peaks, twisting streams and rivers, deep valleys, odd caves. It has a great value of sightseeing and geography. There are famous natural attractions such as Nine-twist Streem, Fragrance-leaving Gully, Peach Blossoms Garden, Water Screen Cave, Jade Maiden Peak, King Peak, Narrow-gap of Sky and so on. Most of attractions have been marked by Chinese culture for a long time.

Cuturally, Wuyi Mountain is featured by prehistoric legend of Peng Zu (an immortal being of Chinese Taoism), Zhu Xi and his Li School (a scholar who focused on philosophical study of Taoism in the Song Dynasty), Boat-shape Coffins on the cliff, Minyue Culture Relics, ancient site of Han City, Ancient Colleges, Ancient porcelain Kilns, 'Dahongpao' Tea and more. The cultural attractions are Zhu Xi Momorial, All-age Palace, Nine-dragon Village, Wuyi Fine Hut and more.

The legend of Jade Maiden Peak and King Peak
Long before, Wuyi Mountain is a wild land that people are almost not able to survive. There flood was deluging and wild beasts was coming here and there throughout the year.

Then, here came a brave young man called Dawang(means a king in Chinese). Led by Danwang, the people eventually conqued the wild Wuyi Mountain. Everything was put in order and the people started a happy garden life in the mountain. One day, a goddess called Jade Maiden was touring around. She saw Wuyi mountain and attracted by its pictureque sightseeing. Then she heard the story about Dawang and admired him. At last, Jade Maiden fell in love with Dawang.

Accoding to the rules of taoism, the gods are not allowed to leave from Heaven to the world and do anything with ordinary people without permission. Unluckily, the love story of Dawang and Jade maiden was heard, and was envied by a demon. He told the story to the Jade Emperor (the Master of Heaven in Chinese Taoism). Then as a punishment, Dawang and Jade Maiden were turned into two large stones now the King Peak and Jade Maiden Peak. Like a watch dog between the two peaks, the demon turned himself into a stone too, now the Tieban Cliff Hill. A pictureque natuaral sight of peaks is the tour icon of Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyi Mountain show you off a land of painting, which is not so far from the legendary story when traveling around there.